
Mama Papaku kena Covid-19: Part 1 - Kronologi & Treatment

 The timeline: Papaku ada komorbid, jantung. Mamaku tidak ada komorbid.  But somehow, mama kondisinya lebih parah dari papa. Yang se mengerti, hasil labnya mama lebih jelek. Kerusakan parunya lebih luas. Papa parunya jg affected, tp mama got it worse. As you can see from the timeline, masa kritis mama terjadi pada malam natal hingga masa tahun baru.  Mama sudah sempat halusinasi, they were put in ICU. After about a week in the hospital, they could went back home for home isolation.  Ada beberapa jenis obat yang dimasukkan. Mama dapat donor plasma darah juga. Kita bahkan beli Gammaras walau belum butuh, karna takut kan. Itu obat kita beli 100jutaan apa. Puji Tuhan nda dipake. Kita jual sama dokter lain yang butuh, dengan harga persis sama. 

Mama Papaku kena Covid - PROLOG

 Jadi Desember 2020, mama dan papaku kena covid. It was definitely one of the most horrifying experience I have ever had. Supaya tidak lupa, saya akan ceritakan di ini. Supaya tidak terlalu amburadul, saya akan ceritakan secara sistematis dengan cara: - Kronologi - Treatment yang mama papaku lewati - What I personally went through  - Lesson learnt Karena ini barang cukup personal, se rasa agak aneh cerita di medsos mainstreamku. Se sdh cukup sering mi oversharing soal banyak hal. Tapi karena untuk soal covid ini se mau cerita secara detail, jadi se memutuskan buat tulis di blog yg sepi pengunjung ini. Oke, off to the first part. 

Cooking During Pandemic

 Due to the endless time spent at home, because of the corona virus, most people take up the hobby of cooking. I did too, for some time. But after I got pregnant, another impact of the pandemic I guess lol (BLESSING IN DISGUISE OK), I don't cook as much anymore. Because during the first weeks of my pregnancy I feel nauseous and vomit so much, I was very sensitive to smell and tastes.  I did made a youtube video of my cooking though. Who knows when I'll cook as much again in the future. Klik this link for the vid! #didapuraja GEGARA CORONCES


 I don't really pay attention to zodiac. It's not that I don't believe them, but I don't find them as fun as most people do. I guess. I do follow amrazing, because I like his content obviously. But when he talks about zodiac I just skip them. One thing I don't find appealing is how my zodiac, Libra, is always described as people who are so patient they can spend a looooooong time to choose between colors. The patient part is true, I am patient with my students and employees. So patient that from time to time they took advantage of me zzzz. But when it comes to shopping, I am very decisive. I don't like to spend hours and hours on one item. I do it as quick as I can. And when I arrive home and realize I don't like that particular item that much, I'll just give them to someone else. So that's that.

Me and Pywe

Kenalan sm pimes: 29 Januari 2011 Pacaran: 10 Februari 2011 Jadi tahun depan genap 10 tahun kenalan dan dari 10 tahun itu cuma 13 hari kita nda terikat ahhaahha #teruskenapa #sundaycorona #sembarangdibahas

Jordan #rrotpsiwrwio

Jordan. Been there twice. When you go to Israel with tour package, jordan is almost always included in the tour, like old churches and biblical event that took place in that country. i went there the first time in 2001, may be? shoot, i don't remember anymore. it was when i was in middle school. the second time was in 2007. unfortunately, i don't remember much about our time there. we where there for probably a day or so. we probably didn't even spent a night in the country. now i have truly regret for not writing down everything about my travels. when we first went to israel, my father told me to write down my experience. i said yes, but i didn't do it. now, almost 20 years later, i regret it. anjo mi nakanna fathers know best. well, ok. later.

I have two daughters

First one is called Dayen. She likes to sing and dance. She's assertive at home, but shy elsewhere. We're working on her confidence. She's a sweet little girl, who loves her sister. Second one is Disa. She smiles first thing in the morning, likes fruits and vegs and kerupuk and basically anything you put in her mouth except for her actual meal. Meaning, she likes snacks but it takes effort to feed her proper meals. But her smile is the sweetest and she always want to be with her sister.