The Spirit of Things
I went to Albert & Bintang's church today, Audacious Church. The sermon was excellent. It is something that I've heard a couple of times, but so often forget. The reason we obey is not in hope to get into heaven. Heaven is already given to us, by Jesus' sacrifice. And that is why we obey. We obey because we love Him, not because we HAVE to obey. We obey because we want to please him. Not so we can earn freedom. Freedom is already given to us. He is a BIG God. He doesn't need a huge checklist of what we do and what we do not do. He sees our heart. The priest this morning gave one example that I thought so hilarious yet so true. He and his friends were fasting. And some of his friends were arguing over whether they can drink tea during fasting. And he reaction was, "Who cares? Don't get so caught up in details, in breaking down things. It's the spirit of things that is important." This brings me to my previous post. For some reason, I felt guilty and