Grandpapa? Grandmama? Clearly not Younglings - STAMINAwise

Been sick last couple of days. Made myself go to choir practice anyway, two days ago. World Choir Championship is two weeks away! Oh God...
I was feeling ok, I even shoot these while waiting practice begin.

Wrapped myself thoroughly, big woolen scarf, and I wore stockings inside trousers.

But in the end, my body can't take it and I have to go home earlier can't sing a tone, let alone dance. Barely can hold the bosara firmly. Tsktsktsk.
Get kenacort injection last night, hopefully that'll do the trick. Freaked out when was about to be injected. Didn't hurt at all, but still freaked out. I don't get along with needles. Nope.

Wish me get well REALLY soon everyone, please......


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