Chris Eickman Song (sort of)

My friend @iipewepe ask on twitter earlier about this song we used to sing in the university choir. I love this song, it was one of my favorite back in choir days. Unfortunately could not remember all the lyrics. Manage to remember some though. Not even sure if I got the name right. Oh well. To make up for the forgotten lyrics, made a video of me singing the alto part. :p

"Hear! Hear! Chris Eickman, history.
His noble path to glory
In time of first creation, bacterial infection
Emerging plagues reveal the cause
That science once nanananana
Nananananananananana involved
but no one had it, yet, resolved.

Rice and chicken
They reveal the keys
To the cause of this disease
And we honor Eickman
Yes we honor Eickman
And we sing and pray for him today
And we honor Eickman
Yes we honor Eickman
And we sing and pray for him todaaaaaay!"

The random things I do on a quiet Saturday night..... -_____________-


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