Indonesian Cultural Night - PPI GM 2012
I was given the opportunity to become the project leader of Indonesian Cultural Night, an cultural and culinary event of Indonesian Student Society in Greater Manchester. After months of preparation, by the grace of the Lord, we succeeded. The show and the fair was a great success and we managed to make a very sound profit and donate them to an NGO in our homeland, an organization called "Indonesia Mengajar". The idea was, as Indonesian students in Greater Manchester, we are very fortunate to pursue knowledge here and we would like to help others with their education to our abilities. In addition, we are sick and tired of British and many other people not what where and what is Indonesia. Thus we attempt to make the event.
We had dances, song performances, free photo booth with traditional costumes, food, even batik workshop and traditional dance classes. Some Indo students from different cities also helped us with the event: Putu from Leeds (I think) danced a Balinese number, Haikal (Lanchester) gave the batik workshop. The ambassador and his team also payed a visit. Amaka said he looked like powerful Bollywood actor hahaha. He was very kind, tho.
What more is, I was amazed with the commitment all of the committee gave. Our main purpose of coming to Manchester is to study, unquestionably. But the effort they have put out and to balance between all the preparations and rehearsals and the crazy assignments is more than I could asked. My salute to PPI-GM 2011/12!!