Dissertation: what's done and not done

Sekiranya ada yang biasa blog saya, maaf ya lama baru diupdate. Juni Juli kemarin adalah bulan beban bernama "THE OVERVIEW OF MAMMOGRAPHY SERVICE: THE ROLE OF INNOVATION AND SERVICE BLUEPRINTING". A.k.a my dissertation.

Now what's left is editing, finishing touches, and so on.
But the major part is done, thank God.

Emm... Dan belum di proof read juga sih, tapi tinggal itu aja.
Minggu depan proof read, abis itu dijilid, terus submit deh. Terus tenang deh. Terus pulang deh. Hehehe. Deadlinenya sih tanggal 3 September, tapi kita harus selesai sebelumnya, karena harus di kasi ke supervisor dulu, terus harus kasi ke proof reader biar perbaiki grammarnya huhuhu, terus karena mahasiswa master yang mau jilid disertasi banyak jadi proses jilid bisa makan beberapa hari. Makanya kita harus itung2 biar gak kepepet. Makanya dikejar slese nih barang sekarang. Sekarang saya AGAK lega.

Agak harus capital semua, karena saya tidak bisa bilang saya sudah sepenuhnya lega dan bahagia.
Alasannya adalah,  disertasi nilainya sangat menentukan whether saya dapat gelar atau tidak. Dan di UK itu sistemnya kalau disertasi Anda tidak lulus, tidak bisa coba lagi semester depan. Kalau gagal ya gak dapat master, dikasi diploma. What. A. Terrifying thought. Tapi kita semua harus lewati. Doakan saya teman-teman... Feedback dari supervisor sejauh ini positif, jadi boleh berharap. Tapi balik lagi. Semua saya serahkan sama Tuhan Yesus. Semoga Tuhan berkati biar hasilnya baik dan saya bisa lulus. Amin.

A bit contemplating, it is amazing how His grace has helped me throughout my one year of pursuing masters degree in Manchester. During this dissertation period, I really feel His graciousness. It is beyond my expectation to be able to interview two Breast Unit Directors  of NHSBSP. I believe, it is all thank to His guidance. He open doors for those who pray and try. And He didn't stop there. My supervisor is extremely helpful and very quick to response. I mean. I heard stories about busy supervisors that don't respond to emails or supervisor that wouldn't read drafts. I'm deeply grateful that everything went relatively smooth so far. There were challenges, of course. But He, Jesus, got me through it.

Which brings me to my last note, to my dear keces Karina Sampepajung who's starting her pursue of getting master degree in another part of the world.
Cik, He helps in every challenges and hardships that we face. In EVERY single one of them.

Like you said:

"If He brings you to it, He'd bring you through it"



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