Reminiscing days of pursuing masters degree

So I'm reading my old blog posts about my days in Manchester... And for a moment there I want to go to school again as soon as possible. That feeling only lasted for a fey seconds though, because I realize PhD is far more difficult, I imagine.

But yeah, I will get another degree, I have to. Because I'm building a career in academics. Dosens these days have to have doctoral degree. But I'm not gonna do it in near future because:
1. My husband plans to continue his studies next year, someone has got to stay as breadwinner.
2. My husband should do his studies before me because he is older and so I can use him as an excuse to delay my doctoral plan.
3. I think it would be more convenient to continue my study when the kids are bigger. Big enough to make their own Indomie, maybe? At least big enough to shower and poop without needing help... My eldest is now 3 years old and the younger one is still in my tummy! Pretty legit excuse to delay PhD, don't you think?

But yeah, I do miss my Manchester days...


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