
I made a blogpost of countries that I have visited. One of them is Australia.

Went there two times. Once when I was one year old and my grandfather was an education attaché for Indonesian Embassy. I have zero recollection of my time there, but my mother, aunties, and uncles have lots. Stories to follow. The second time I went there when I was in third grade, age 8.
My father took three (?) months course in a hospital in Sydney and/or Canberra. Aunt Telly still worked in Canberra there, so we stayed at her place. My memory of this vacation was blurry, obviously. We visited Sydney Opera House, shopping centres, zoo, and aquarium. Mother purchased a christmas tree then, the one we still use to this day. It's still in the living room at this very moment, which reminds me that I need to take it down soon. It's already February! What else I remember from this visit. Food, I remember eating kangaroo meat (or so my father told me). Also ate a lot of nasi goreng with peas in them.

Human brain is fascinating, isn't it? So random what I can recall.


As for my first visit to Australia. I was one year old then, so I remember absolutely nothing. It was my first time to fly abroad, duh. My mom told me I pooped while in church in Brisbane and she threw my diaper in the church's potted plant lols. She also told a story of how someone on the train commented about me, "What beautiful eyes!". My mother's siblings gave me spicy food that so spicy it made me cry and scratch my tongue while they roared in laughter and enraged my mom. And I think my uncle once told me he "hang" me on the laundry hang wire.

And that's what I can remember about Australia. Toodles!


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